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Tuesday, June 21, 2011

When Critters Refuse to Cooperate

Life is full of obstacles.  Just when you have things going your way, some little problems are liable to pop up and some big ones too. 
Little critters in the garden have created quite the mess.  First, there's the moles and then, there's the rabbit.  We have moles, mole holes and mole trails.  While they do not eat plants, they certainly do disturb their roots and deprive them of water.  They must go!  We tried trapping them.  That works somewhat, but they are many.  We tried a beeper thing; but it has, at best, a very limited range.  (Like a few feet.)  We have animals, six dogs, three cats, and one goat.  While the dogs and cats catch moles occasionally, they must be outnumbered, outwitted, or out dug.  (I suspect the latter.)  The goat has yet to catch a mole; nor show much interest in doing so.  I am now trying coffee grounds as a deterrent and I may even try castor oil.  Obviously, it is an ongoing problem.  
Then there was the rabbit.  We had a nice little row of corn growing until the rabbit came along.  He loved corn.  We got about eight ears, he got the rest.  Well, we decided to start over.  He ate the corn plants before they even had ears.  We hated to shoot him at a time of the year that he can't be eaten, but he had to go.  It seems that in the heat of the summer, wild rabbits get wolves.  (We are talking parasites, not wild dogs.)  Well, after much delay, Ray finally went out and shot him.  The rabbit was down, apparently deceased.  Ray went out a while later and the rabbit was sitting up, so he shot him again.  The rabbit was down, apparently deceased.  The next morning comes.  Ray comes in and says, "That ****ed thing is still alive.  It's sitting up."  Well, the third time was the charm.  Of course, a couple of days later, we found one of our eggplants eaten to the ground with rabbit tracks next to it.  He must have had a mate.  Poor Ray! 

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